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Half Moon Bay Little League

Half Moon Bay Little League

Consider this...

Be sure your player is at practice and games ON TIME. Baseball is a team sport and the team depends on everybody to be working together within the scheduled times.

If you're dropping your player off for a practice or a game, please be sure to pick up your player ON TIME (coaches are not babysitters).

Let the coaches do the coaching and the umpires call the game. If you want to coach or critique, consider volunteering to share your wisdom.

Be supportive at games. If you have nothing positive to say about the team, players, coaches, or umpires, keep it to yourself.

Offer to help out. Help set up the fields, help with the equipment, help keeping score, help cleaning up the field. The coaches put in more time at one game than most parents during the whole season.

Fields: All of the work done on the fields are done by volunteers, and they need help. There is no "Field Fairy" that magically does the fields. This includes dragging the infields, mowing the grass and upkeep of the dugouts and fences. During the season, the City does not maintain the fields, we do.

Again this year, all local Little Leagues are required to conduct background checks on Managers, Coaches, Board of Directors members and any other persons, volunteers or hired workers, who provide regular service to the league and/or have repetitive access to, or contact with, players or teams



Half Moon Bay Little League
P.O. Box 589 
Half Moon Bay, California 94019

Email: [email protected]

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